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Princeton tried to slag Taylor Swift about grammar, she slagged them right back

It’s The Dredge.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.

Oh, Princeton, honey, no. 

The prestigious university tried to shame Taylor Swift’s grammar in a sample exam paper.

tumblr_njqpfeKn8h1rmz7txo1_1280 Source: MySwiftLifee/Tumblr

But when it was brought to Swift’s attention on Tumblr, she pointed out that they had the lyrics wrong:

test Source: Taylor Swift/Tumblr

Cos darling, she’s a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

Oh, just Mariah Carey hanging out with Courtney Love and drinking wine. 

#shenanigans with @courtneylove and @brettrat Source: mariahcarey

Imagine the chats?

That’s Rush Hour/X Men director Brett Ratner in the middle by the way.

Meanwhile, look how normal Kim and Kanye are when out an about and not posing. 

Lunch with Lilou at Nobu!! #Lilou #NobuSundays #greatcompany #Carolin #papaB @casiebamford @malibubuffy @anneysenring @jasoncampbellmalibu Source: alibambam

North is wearing normal toddler clothes and not a leather cape, and is trying to escape her high chair, like a normal toddler.

Kim is picking something up off the ground HERSELF.

And Kanye is wondering if he can fit in dessert.

The family were having lunch in Nobu in LA when they photobombed this woman’s picture.

And the rest of the day’s celeb duuuurt…

  • James Corden did alright on his Late Late Show debut (no, not THAT Late Late Show) (DailyEdge.ie)
  • The Kardashians have asked brother Rob to take down that post comparing her Kim to Amy Dunne (3am)
  • Ed Sheeran filmed a cameo for Home and Away (RTE.ie)
  • Too soon Liam Payne, too soon (DailyEdge.ie)

Here’s what the reviews of James Corden’s US TV debut are saying

125,000 people don’t want Kanye to play Glastonbury… It’s The Dredge

Lindsay Lohan was caught red-handed trying to Photoshop her arse… it’s The Dredge

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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