Dublin: 14 °C Tuesday 17 December, 2024

This Tayto chicken fillet roll recipe will change your life

A joyous union.

filled tayto chicken roll

WHAT’S BETTER THAN lobbing a few crisps into a chicken fillet roll?

Why, working the crisps into the very heart of the roll itself of course!

London-based Irish couple Russell and Patrick (aka Gastro Gays) have done just that, devising a recipe for the ultimate Tayto Chicken Fillet Roll for their food, travel and photography blog.

Describing the chicken fillet roll as one of Ireland’s foremost colloquial delicacies (the 3-in-1 and the spice burger being the other two), they decided to formulate the ultimate “comforting taste of home” after snaffling the last Aer Lingus Tayto crisp sandwich kit available on a flight back to London from Dublin.

gays @gastogays @gastogays

The recipe involves crushing the crisps and mixing with breadcrumbs, garlic powder and black pepper to create the ultimate breaded chicken to place in a freshly baked baguette.

tayto branding chicken crisps

Fetch our smelling salts!

close up fillet roll

Thanks to Patrick and Russell at 

10 Irish people abroad to envy on Instagram>

9 delicious-sounding foods you can make with Tayto crisps

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