REMEMBER THE LIMITED edition cheese & onion flavoured chocolate that Tayto brought out a couple of years back?
Well, apparently it’s still on sale in Tayto Park.
But funnier still, British YouTube comedy channel Ashens made a video this week tasting “weird chocolate bars” and the Tayto chocolate bar was included. His first impression of Mr Tayto was interesting:
“It’s a sort of strange character there. Tayto. Mr Potato. Mr Tayto. Jeremy Tayto – I don’t know what the hell his name is.”
“He doesn’t look anything like a potato for starters. He looks like a bit of corn that has been found in some s**t with a hat on.”
How dare you, Sir.
The Tayto chocolate bar was the third that he sampled to his near million subscribers – after Tobasco chocolate and Vegemite Dairy Milk from down under.
Although, the poor Mr Tayto bar was well over a year out of date – so it didn’t stand much of a chance of a good review. He wasn’t a fan of the concept, anyway:
“Cheese and onion crisps in milk chocolate. Why? I like cheese and onion crisps and I like chocolate, but I’m not looking forward to them together.”
“It’s weird. It doesn’t really taste of anything.”
His final thoughts on one of Ireland’s most famous limited edition chocolate ever?
It’s really highly flavoured cheese and onion – and then it mixes with the sweetness of the chocolate stuck in your teeth.
“F**k you, Mr Potato, or whatever your name is.”
You may criticise the chocolate, Ashens, but we can’t have you ripping into poor Mr Tayto.
Apologise and dance with him immediately.
hat-tip: Reddit Ireland