THIS TEACHER HAS probably been watching a little too much FOX News. An African-American student in New Mexico was left mortified when his teacher told him he couldn’t wear his Santa costume because “Santa Clause is white”.
Freshman Christopher Rougier wore a Santa costume to a Christmas dress-up day at his Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho, when his teacher began questioning him. “Don’t you know Santa Clause is white? Why are you wearing that?”
Christopher’s family now claim that their son has been entirely put off the idea of Christmas due to the embarrassment that the incident has caused him. According to the AP, the teacher later called the boy’s mother to apologise, but they say that it’s too little.
Christopher has since been moved to a different class, but his father Michael has called for the school to fire the teacher.
For him to make a comment like that, there has to be a minimum prejudice in him, and we don’t have room for that.
In a statement to the media, the director of Rio Rancho Public Schools said that they have taken “appropriate disciplinary action”.
The teacher feels bad and reported the incident to the principal himself, saying he made a “stupid mistake”.
The remark was inappropriate and should not have been made. The teacher feels very badly about what occurred. He self-reported the incident to the principal and has apologized to the student and to the student’s parent. Appropriate disciplinary action has been taken.