Dublin: 7 °C Tuesday 11 March, 2025

The story of how this girl got her teddy back after losing it in an airport is adorable

Good work, everyone.

ONE GIRL LOSING her beloved teddy bear has been turned into the happiest of reunions this week.

Over in Toronto Airport in Canada, RaRa the bear was found all on his own. The airport’s official Facebook page told the epic story of his journey home.

“RaRa woke up in a drawer at the airport, but he was supposed to be on a plane with his family.”

rara1 Source: Facebook

They were trying to reunite RaRa with his owner. Once they had identified where his family were, he had a bit of an adventure to go on first.

“His first stop was at security where he went through the scanners.”

rara2 Source: Facebook

“He took a moving sidewalk to get to his flight.”

rara3 Source: Facebook

“He also made some new friends at the airport.”

rara4 Source: Facebook

And how do we know that he made it home safe? The mam of Rara’s owner posted this photo to the airport’s Facebook page, and we knew

rara5 Source: Facebook

Jen Heuvelmans Steel said:

Thank you to everyone at Toronto aiport. Ra Ra is home and I have one very happy little girl. You went above and beyond to reunite a little girl and her bear. She also loves the suprise little bear that was in there as well. Thanks again. The Steel Family.


Well done, everyone.

hat-tip Buzzfeed

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About the author:

David Elkin

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