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A teenage girl in the US was threatened with suspension for wearing this outfit

And she has absolutely called them out on Facebook.

usoutfit Source: Facebook

MEET CAREY BURGESS. She’s a 17-year-old secondary school student in the US, and she the wore the above outfit into school on Tuesday.

What was the problem? Well, her skirt was too short apparently, and a teacher threatened to suspend her and send her home because of it.

She posted the story to Facebook, and it’s been shared by over 6000 people.

She and a friend had left class to go to the vending machine when this happened:

On our way back, I learned something very important about myself: I am a whore. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a voice behind me. “Your skirt is too short. You need to go to in-school suspension and then go home.” Thank you, Mrs. Woods.

carye2 Source: Facebook

Her story continued, telling the world of the fairly ludicrous rules applied to girls in her school in South Carolina:

Thank you for bringing me to tears in front of my friends and classmates because you do not have the decency to pull me aside and explain the problem. Then again, I did not have the decency to put on real clothes today.
So maybe I am in the wrong. Maybe our society isn’t yet advanced enough to handle 3 inches of my thigh. This is a patriarchal society and I am a woman. I have to be kept in my place, or I may do something that is so rarely seen in Beaufort High School- learn.

Now Carey’s story has been picked up all over the world

carye3 Source: Instagram

She finished her Facebook post with a passionate call out of her school:

I don’t where I would be without your misogynistic views. How could I go on without a certain math teacher making sexist jokes all class? How could I survive without my science professor letting me know I am an inferior woman?
Yes, I am a woman. I am woman with thighs, a butt, and a brain. I am bigger than Beaufort High School. All of us are. Maybe instead of worrying about my skirt, Beaufort High should take notice of its incompetent employees, and sexist leaders.

She certainly told them.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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