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Teeth tattoos are a thing now, and they're awful


PEOPLE ARE GETTING tattoos on their teeth, for some reason.

Yes: if you are bored with the idea of modifying any other part of your body, you can have basic designs inked onto your very incisors.

Source: marvinthenovelist

In fact, tooth tattoos have been a possibility for some time. The Daily Mail reports that one adventurous dental patient got an image of a car on his gnashers almost 20 years ago.

But they’ve been gaining more attention in recent months. A number of labs now offer the service – like the Oak Tree Dental Lab in Columbus, Ohio.

Source: oaktreelab

You don’t actually get the tattoos inked directly onto your teeth. Instead, they are applied for patients who already need crowns.

The dentist takes an impression of the tooth, and sends it off to a lab who make up the crown and imprint it with the design.

Source: trickscully

You can get any number of things on your teeth. But judging by the samples out there, they all tend to look a bit amateurish.

Source: infinitydentallab

Why must people do these things?

Source: alistew713

More: The 14 most ironic misspelled tattoos ever inked>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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