DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Harry and Meghan: A Modern Love Story (RTÉ One, 10.40pm)
In case you’re one of the few people who haven’t yet heard, Prince Harry will be tying the knot to Suits actress, Meghan Markle, this Saturday. And if you’re only mad to know what drew the couple to one another, then pull up a pew because this programme will be charting the history of a romance which has gripped millions since its advent.
Grand Designs (More 4, 7.55pm)
Tamayo Hussey left Japan for the UK in the early noughties, and is now keen to transform the 1960s forester lodge she shares with her husband, Nigel, into a unique Japanese dwelling. But with only a limited budget to work off, the couple opt for a hands-on approach to the project.
Abduction (3E, 9pm)
Starring Sigourney Weaver, Taylor Lautner and Lily Collins, this 2011 action/thriller tells the story of a teenage boy, who discovers a photograph of himself on a website dedicated to missing children, and is desperate to find out more about the people he believed to be his family.
Everyone’s talking about: Prime Time
Following on from the Claire Byrne Live: Referendum Special on Monday night, Prime Time held another debate on the 8th Amendment last night, with Niamh Ui Bhriain arguing for the No side and Claire Daly speaking on behalf of the Yes side.
The segment began with a report from Eithne O’Brien, who set out to answer various questions which have been at the forefront of discussion since the campaign to repeal the 8th Amendment began including; When does life begin? Can a foetus feel pain?
As was to be expected, the short debate, mediated by Miriam O’Callaghan, ignited considerable discussion on Twitter, with viewers lending their own thoughts to a debate which will culminate in a referendum next Friday.
the video segment on #Primetime was one of the best examples of neutral facts in the referendum - the debate however...
— Kieran McNulty (@kmcnultymc) May 15, 2018
What is the point of debating the development of a embryo as part the ref? Irish women have abortions - we just make them travel to the UK to have them. The 8th amendment doesn’t stop that. To who’s benefit is it that these terminations happen in the UK not here? #rtept
— Seán Donnelly (@Toby__Don) May 15, 2018
We are at chief referendum-itis. Philosophers are now interviewed for their expert opinion on abortion. #rtept
— Elaine Byrne (@ElaineByrne) May 15, 2018
Or flick over for…
Find Me a Home (RTÉ One, 7.30pm) Renting or buying; it’s all a nightmare.
What Makes a Woman? (Channel 4, 10pm) Starring transgender model and social activist Munroe Bergdorf.
Scream 2 (Sky One, 10pm) Blood, guts and gore; you know the score.
Son of Kerry, Son of Sam (TG4, 9.30pm) An insight into the biggest manhunt of a serial killer in New York’s history.