DAILYEDGE.IE ROUNDS UP the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
First Dates (Channel 4, 10pm)
The UK version will have to do. This week, recruitment consultant Lee goes on a date with Abbi. Politics graduate Cameron meets fellow political Joe, and Deanna, who hasn’t been on a date in 20 years, finally dates a mechanic, Alex.
Cutting Edge (RTE 1, 9.35pm)
Brendan O’Connor hosts the controversial panel show. Vogue Williams, David Davin-Power, and Alison O’Connor are up this week.
One Born Every Minute (RTE 2, 10.50pm)
Join the doctors and patients on a busy maternity ward as they navigate the highs and lows of welcoming a new baby into the world.
Everyone’s talking about… The Handmaid’s Tale
RTE have announced that they will be the first broadcaster to show the new series of The Handmaid’s Tale outside of the States.
The series will premiere on Hulu, and RTE 2 will broadcast the episode the very next day, with season two starting on Thursday April 26.
Or flick over for…
Real Madrid v Juventus (RTE 2, 7pm) The two sides meet.
The Replacement (RTE 1, 10.40pm) New series in which a woman gets pregnant after landing a big contract so has to hire cover.
High Maintenance (Sky Atlantic, 10pm) New series about a weed delivery man in New York.