HAVE YOU SENT your letter to Santa yet? You’d want to if you don’t fancy getting two odd socks and a squishy clementine.
Here at DailyEdge.ie and TheJournal.ie, we’ve been working on our lists pretty intensively for the last, oh, 11 months or so.
And we’re now asking you: What do you want for Christmas?
Whether it’s a new Scalextric, a new job or a new outlook on life – let us know what you’d like to be given on Christmas morning. Tell us in the comments below* or tweet us @dailyedge.
Here’s what our team had to say:
A thing to let you ring your keys when you’ve lost them, like you do with your mobile.
I want a coffee maker, but not one that takes capsules. They’re a money-making racket.
A Rolleiflex camera and a lifetime’s supply of nice dark chocolate. Oh, and this girl’s entire wardrobe. I don’t ask for much.
One of these.
All the Lego.
A new pair of socks for every day of the year.
*First person to mention bondholders is getting a stocking full of coal.