DON’T BREAK OUT the winter coats and boots just yet as an Indian summer may be on its way.
According to a variety of forecasts, parts of Ireland could experience temperatures as high as 24 degrees next week.
A mild day is expected on Monday, with Met Éireann predicting temperatures of 15 or 16 degrees. There may be good, bright, sunny periods throughout the day.
Things will start to heat up from Tuesday with the rest of the week getting even warmer. Temperatures could reach 21 or 22 degrees, says Met Éireann’s website.
However, the weather people at the national meteorological service don’t want us to get our hopes up just yet.
A spokesman at Met Éireann told TheJournal.ie that nothing official has been confirmed about next week’s ‘Indian summer’ forecast.
Peter O’Donnell, a climatologist with Irish Weather Online, is more optimistic.
“Potential for temperatures to rise into 22-24 degrees range in parts of the eastern and even central counties, more likely to stay in the 18 to 21 degrees range in the west, far north and south coast due to sea breeze effects,” he says.