IN A WEEK where we have seen the London property market produce some laughs for its refreshing honesty, today might have seen a potential landlord become the biggest chancer in history.
Why? Well, this room was presented to the market earlier today – and it was a tent in a living room:
The ad has since been deleted from, and the details do come across as some sort of hilarious parody:
We have decided to rent out our living room as we never use it. There is still a dining table in there so we will still eat in there, so we have put a tent in the room for privacy, and we would only eat breakfast and dinner in the room.
It was going for €748 a month (bills not included) and the inside of the tent looked particularly grim:
The landlord then detailed the stipulations for taking the room:
The tent has been furnished with drawers, sleeping stuff and a chair. However during festival season I might need the sleeping bag for a few days and the tent but we should have a sofa by then which you can sleep on instead. THere is a shared bathroom and kitchen and a communal garden.
The views are spectacular enough from inside the tent. And surely worthy of the price:
It had to be a joke?
It’s either a perfect parody of the out of control London rental scene or it’s grim times indeed for London flat-seekers.
Nobody knows what to think any more.