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Students complain to Tesco with a sonnet and get a wonderfully poetic reply

Shall we compare thee to salted popcorn?

TESCO ARE GOOD with customer service, we already know this. But, they’ve probably outdone themselves this time.

Two students, Isabelle Bousquette and Tomi Baikie, from St Andrew’s University wrote a jokey letter to the company after they were saddened to see their local Fife branch had stopped selling salted Popcorn Sensations.

They penned a poem–well, a Shakespearean sonnet–to really get across the damming consequences of the decision.

letter3 Source: Isabelle Bousquette and Tomi Baikie


Sure–they expected a response, but not this double-down sonnet in return.


Tesco not only replied in verse, they also sent a £10 to the two ‘ladies’ (Tomi is definitely a boy).

Take another well earned bow, Tesco.

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