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People played Tetris on the side of a huge skyscraper to celebrate its 30th birthday

Yes, Tetris is 30 years old. Wowser.


WE WOULDN’T WANT to give loads of people the opportunity to see us fail at Tetris. Especially not blown up on a giant building.

But hundreds of Tetris fans gathered in Philadelphia on Saturday to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the game – and get the chance to play it on a 100,000 square foot ‘screen’.

The LED lights on the city’s Cira Centre are normally used to display colourful patterns, but that night they were used to create super-sized Tetris blocks.

Players saw their game lit up on the side of the 29-storey building, controlling the blocks from half a mile away with a joystick.

The event was the brainchild of game designer Frank Lee, who saw it as a tribute to his favourite childhood games.

Frank Lee, Henk Rogers Managing director of The Tetris Co, Henk Rogers, and organiser Frank Lee have a go Source: ASSOCIATED PRESS

Lee previously organised a Guinness World Record-holding giant game of Pong, which took place on the same building last year.

He told the gathered gamers:

This project began as a personal love letter to the games that I loved as a child – Pong last year, Tetris this year. But it ended up as a way of uniting the city of Philadelphia.

Watch the game in action here:

Source: AssociatedPress/YouTube

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About the author:

Associated Foreign Press

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