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11 important Thanksgiving lessons Irish people learned from Friends

“Seriously though, what are yams?”

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IT’S A WELL established fact that Irish people know absolutely nothing about Thanksgiving.

Sure, we had a few cultural reference points to get by on like:

  • Turkey
  • November
  • the fact that it seemed like a shite version of our Christmas dinner, without the presents

But it took Friends to really show us the Thanksgiving way:

1. It introduced us to the very concept of yams

yams Source: Pinterest

We’ve still never had them, but we know they’re some form of sweet potato dish thanks to Brad Pitt.

2. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade seemed like a really slick version of a Paddy’s Day parade

Thanksgiving-parade-Underdog Source: Connectwithyourteens

3. Potatoes hold the same weight for Thanksgiving over there as they do for Christmas here (including the mysterious tater tots)

monica Source: NBC/Tumblr

Monica had to cook mashed potatoes with lumps, tater tots, and whipped potatoes with peas and onions.

“Potatoes are ruined, potatoes are ruined, potatoes are ruined!”

It could be your mam at around midday on Christmas Day.

4. The thought of going outside to play American Football in the cold doesn’t phase them at all

football Source: NBC/Wikia

Why, though.

5. Having a raging argument with your family and friends is perfectly acceptable on the day

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The stress of all that food.

6. Some of their desserts sounded truly, truly awful

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Not just Rachel’s shepherd’s pie trifle. Pecan pie and pumpkin pie – although probably delicious – sounded like they tasted like feet.

7. It introduced us to Turkey jokes we never thought possible

monicaturkey Source: wikia

We’d still never try them at Christmas – but we could make jokes about pardoning Dustin in full confidence.

8. Thanksgiving leftovers seemed like the holy grail of gluttony

joeys Source: YouTube

9. And the moistmaker always sounded better than it could possibly have been


Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and an extra slice of gravy-soaked bread in the middle.

10. Chandler’s “righteous Mac and Cheese” was the most American-sounding meal of all time

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Irish people in the ’90s: “WHAT is Mac and Cheese?”

11. And finally… you kind of wish Ireland had an equivalent pre-Christmas holiday because it looked like serious craic

friendfootball Source: Hollywood

The food, the day off, the games. We’ll take one, please.

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More How Well Do You Remember Thanksgiving on Friends?>

About the author:

David Elkin

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