AZEALIA BANKS IS best known round these parts for this filthy little ditty ’212′ (NSFW at all at all) and for getting into a Twitter spat with Amanda Brunker.
Now she’s released a new video for her song Atlantis, and given us something else to talk about.
It’s like an early nineties magic eye poster (remember those) nightmare, and it’s strangely compelling:
YouTube/Azealia Banks
1. This outfit/dance combo:
Her hair is in green horns, she’s in her bra, she’s doing a funny dance…
2. The jellyfish
If they sting you Azealia, you know you’re going to have to widdle on yourself?
3. This:
Are they… swordfish? Please note the terrifying massive Azealia Banks head at top right…
4. These glasses:
Surely she can’t see a thing? She’s going to snot herself…
5. This shark:
We’re going to, er, need a bigger boat?
6. The swag:
Apparently they use €€€€ in Atlantis…
7. Poseidon:
There’s Poseidon giving Azealia the stink eye…