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9 most insufferable quotes and moments from The Apprentice

Were they having us on?

THE TENTH SERIES of The Apprentice on BBC debuted last night, and this morning viewers across the land are nursing pulled cringe muscles left, right and centre.

From dodgy team names, to dodgy hotdogs, to dodgy notions about themselves, the candidates made sure our toes were curling from the get go.

Here are some of the most morto moments…

This quote:

I can make women do what I want in the business world, and come to think about it, some men.

… coupled with this hand gesture:

hand Source: BBC iPlayer

This head toss

sass Source: BBC iPlayer

 This hotdog declaration

Shoreditch is a very edgy area, and we went with an edgy product.

We’ll let the good people of Twitter take this one.

This rideyness declaration


Sir. Where are your socks?



The girls naming their team ‘Decadence’


Sounds like a more-pricey-than-usual Magnum ice-cream. Or that nightclub from The Inbetweeners movie.

And then Nick making this face

The ‘hotdog suit over an actual suit’ look


No mate. Just… no.

The hotdogs themselves. The infernal hotdogs


These zoo representatives’ faces when asked to pay £250 for this bucket of cleaning products

Why? WHY did Team Decadence go to the zoo to sell cleaning products worth about £2.47 for £250? WHY?



The all-time worst quotes from reality star Katie Hopkins

15 ludicrous quotes from The Apprentice you’ve probably forgotten about

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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