Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

US dating show The Bachelorette was in Dublin last night and it was BEYOND weird


YOU MAY OR may not be familiar with The Bachelorette. If you’re not familiar, he’s the basic gist — a woman is presented with 25 men and, over the course of the series, she must whittle them down and choose “the one”.

The show is currently in its 11th season and this season’s bachelorette is a dance instructor named Kaitlyn Bristowe. 

There she is now.

kailtny Source: YouTube

Each episode features the bachelorette and her suitors going on elaborate dates and this week, the group visited Dublin.

And it was beyond weird.

Here’s what happened.

They introduced the episode by saying Ireland was the perfect place to fall in love

American viewers were pretty skeptical of that claim.

They pretty much shifted anywhere that would have them

Against a wall…

In the middle of a pub…

In Christ Church Cathedral…


Outside Christ Church Cathedral…


Yes, they went to Christ Church Cathedral and were serenaded by The Cranberries

Kaitlyn and Jared, one of her many suitors, visited Christ Church Cathedral for a romantic date. Upon approaching the church, Jared said, “Wow, this church — I’m assuming it’s a church? – is beautiful.”


And when they stepped inside, they were greeted by The Cranberries, who are apparently Katilyn’s “favourite band”.



Dolores O’Riordan proceeded to serenade the “couple” with a rendition of Linger as the couple danced and shifted in front of her.


People at home were mostly grimmed out for The Cranberries.

And disgusted at the thought of people shifting there.

Speaking of lingering, this shot of a Radisson Blu hotel lingered on screen for a few seconds


Later on, they went for a romantic stroll in Stephen’s Green


And Kaityn announced that she specifically wore a “hole-y sweater” so one of her suitors could touch her back.


And the lads high-fived a leprechaun



One also made a pun about Kaitlyn being a “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow”.


Later on, they held an “Irish wake” for Kaitlyn

Ah yes, that traditional Irish dating ritual of pretending your dead and lying in a coffin.

The bachelorette was forced to lie in a coffin and her dates had to pretend to eulogise her.

One contestant, Shawn, said he understood why Kaitlyn “took her own life” because anyone would after spending the day with another contestant, Nick. Haha, good one, Shawn.

Meanwhile, another contestant, Ben Z., found the whole thing difficult due to the recent death of his mother.


And after that traumatic ordeal was over, they visited the Guinness Storehouse


This place is so cool. It’s just, like, levels and levels and levels of Guinness history.

Yes, they all visited the Guinness Storehouse.

But instead of enjoying a pint, or even pretending to enjoy a pint, the bachelorette insisted on a glass of white wine.

Inside, there was more shifting.





At least all the Americans loved Dublin, though…

That’s something.

TFI Friday is returning to TV and people are beside themselves with excitement >

Seth McFarlane did an impression of Liam Neeson and it was flawless >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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