WE KNOW HOW you feel. The week is stretching out in front of you and you have a lot on your plate.
So do like we do here inTheJournal.ie HQ and get stuck into a serious debate on one of life’s most pressing questions.
This week: There’s one thing we can all agree on at TheJournal.ie HQ – we DON’T iron our bedsheets. When it comes to the clothes on our back, however, opinions diverge.
Some of us iron on a ‘need-to-iron’ basis, ie, infrequently; some iron EVERYTHING; some don’t own an iron. Where do you stand on the matter?
A. I rarely iron my clothes, or…
(Why iron your clothes when you can iron your hair? Image: AP Photo/PA Images)
B. I iron most of my clothes
(Yes, that’s Roy Cropper – David Neilson – from Corrie. He likes ironing so much, he did it for charity. Image: Malcom Croft/PA Archive/ PA Images)
Vote here: Do you regularly iron your clothes?
Poll Results:
Got a burning question that has divided your household/work colleagues/friends? Let us know in the comments section or email us at tips@thejournal.ie.