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The burning question*: Santa or Santy?

It’s Christmas Eve, so let TheJournal.ie distract you from the last-minute chaos with one of life’s REAL dilemmas. (*not really)

Hey Santa! Santy! Saint Nicho... oh, never mind.
Hey Santa! Santy! Saint Nicho... oh, never mind.
Image: andrea michele piacquadio via Shutterstock

WE KNOW HOW you feel. Christmas Eve and not a child in the house washed.

So do like we do here in TheJournal.ie HQ and ignore everything you have left to do. Instead, get stuck into a serious debate on one of life’s most pressing issues. Possibly.

Tonight: You’d better watch out, you’d better not shout…

Santa Claus is coming to town! Or is it Santy?

We’re wondering this evening if the man in red gets his full name in your household, or if you prefer the very Irish version, Santy?

Poll Results:

B - Santa Claus, please (1703)
C - I'd go for Saint Nicholas (1111)
A - He'll always be Santy to me (747)
D - I don't care what he's called as long as he got my letter (186)

Got a burning question that has divided your household/work colleagues/friends? Let us know in the comments section or email us at tips@thejournal.ie.

See previous Burning Questions>

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