EVERYONE WHO HAS had access to the internet in 2015 will be aware of The Dress that divided families, friends and co-workers.
You know what colours you see here:
So, in inevitable news this weekend, US costume company Yandy has gone and made a sexy Halloween version.
And, crucially, it doesn’t decide on which two colours to go with – it rolls them all in there
Keeping their market wide open, no doubt.
You don’t want to annoy the white and gold brigade, or alienate those blue and black converts.
The description of the costume says:
Start the debate all over again in this “What Is The Color?” dress costume featuring a split blue/black and gold/white design that’s sure to make you the talk of the party.
Start the debate all over again? Nobody wants to hear that at a Halloween party.
It comes in at just over €40, so you’ll want to have a decent level of dedication to internet jokes to contemplate such a purchase.
Still, they know how to turn a 2015 trend into an online talking point again
Discuss amongst your friends whether opening up this can of worms again is worth it for the gag.