BBC’s deputy political editor James Landale was out and about in London doing vox pops for the 6 o’clock news when he stopped Henry Winkler (AKA The Fonz) for an interview. The Happy Days actor is currently in London appearing in a pantomime.
According to Landale, Winkler looked like a promising interviewee so he “lunged forward”, began his spiel, then realised it was The Fonz standing before him:
Instantly I became a gabbling, star-struck idiot, asking if he had a vote here (doh! he’s an American actor), how his pantomime was going and even if he had a view on Heathrow (what was I thinking?)
The interview was slipped in to the 6 o’clock news, where some attentive viewers spotted The Fonz amongst the other punters chatting about Heathrow Airport:
You can watch the full interview on Landale’s BBC blog – he says the meeting wasn’t a set up, but a complete surprise. Given his reaction, we are entirely certain of that.