A BRAVE YOUNG Irish man got a big surprise when he checked his Twitter feed in the early hours of this morning.
Marc Owens has been battling a rare and aggressive form of cancer – a Stage Four soft tissue sarcoma – since 2010, and his family have been doing all they can to help him fight the disease.
Marc’s story has been well-documented through CaringBridge.com and the Marc Owens Medical Fund website, but now it seems as though is story has made it all the way to Hollywood.
JOE.ie says Marc’s sister Aisling contacted Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s management company in the hopes of convincing the former wrestler to send her brother a message of support.
Needless to say, all her efforts paid off and Marc was utterly delighted to hear from the action hero.
You can find out more about Marc’s story at MarcOwensMedicalFund.com
(H/T JOE.ie)