Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

The songs on tonight's Glee [warning: some spoilers!]

Glee returned to American TV screens last night and hits TV3 tonight. Want a quick preview of the music?

Those 'slushie facials' haven't gone away, you know.
Those 'slushie facials' haven't gone away, you know.
Image: Fox

TONIGHT SEES the European première of the second series of Glee, with TV3 becoming the first network on this side of the planet to air the new season of the astronomically popular high school drama.

For the Gleeks among you who can’t quite wait until 8pm to find out what happens to Quinn’s baby, whether Rachel and Finn/Rachel and Puck/Rachel and Jesse/Rachel and anybody else stay together, and what happens to Emma and Will… well, you’re a bit out of luck, no plot spoilers here.

However, here’s a peek of the tunes from tonight’s show…

About the author:

Gavan Reilly

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