Dublin: 10 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

WATCH: The Tall Ships in Waterford - timelapse

Photographer Shane O’Neill has captured 72 hours, 500,000 visitors, 45 Tall Ships and a town in full summer swing in 10-minute timelapse video.

Image: Shane O'Neill, AspectPhotography.net via Vimeo

SHIPS, SEA AND sky – photographer Shane O’Neill has used these three elements to perfection in a timelapse video taken at the time of the Tall Ships festival in Waterford last month.

Taken over 72 hours from the roof of the Granville hotel, it’s the best bit of publicity for Waterford city we’ve seen in a long time. O’Neill, a professional photographer in the city, told TheJournal.ie that it took six weeks to plan, three weeks to set up, three days to shoot and as long again in post-production.

Watch his hard work and be wowed – and look out for the fireworks at 6:24:

Tall Ships 2011 from Aspect Photography on Vimeo.

Video appears courtesy of www.aspectphotography.net; edited by Matthew Reilly (Lickmystyle.com); engineered by Daragh Treacy. Original music composed and performed by Emmett Cooke (www.soundtrack.ie)

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