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IT’S THAT TIME of the week again folks.

Time to start putting the tea-towels over the clocks and resist the Sunday evening fear setting in.

What better way to avoid the fear than with DailyEdge.ie‘s very special weekly Voice of Ireland liveblog? And what a selection of treats they had in store for us this week.

Kian Egan from Westlife formed a rock band, Bressie got confused, someone who has done the dirty with Lindsay Lohan was on stage, and the final ten singers in The Voice of Ireland have now been chosen.

Get in touch with your thoughts, email emer@dailyedge.ie, tweet @EmerTheScreamer or @DailyEdge, or of course you can have your say in the trusty comments section.

Here’s how it all went down this week…

We’re just settling in there with the end of the news, and there’s Jean with the weather in a lovely black and white number. She says it’s going to rain.


IT’S TIME, IT’S TIME! The scary lady is singing “this is the VOOOOOOICE”.

Well now, there’s McFly kicking off the show! Not to be confused with Busted. One of them did the dirty with Lindsay Lohan. Or maybe that was one of Busted. We’re confused.

You might remember McFly from this song:


Ok it’s time to get the show underway.

Singing this evening are:

Team Jamelia: Keith Hanley, Dylan Powell

Team Bressie: Andrew Mann, Katy Anna Mohan

Team Kian: Kelly Mongan, Shane McLaughlin

Team Sharon: Aoife McLoughlin, Tammy Browne

And here are the judges. Not only is Bressie celebrating a number one album this week, but he also got the lifeline last week and got to keep both of his artists. Lickarse.

Our Sinead from TheJournal.ie is confused about what’s going on.

“Is this Celebrity Death Match?” she muses.

Why are they against each other?

Allow us to explain Sinéad…

Two from each team will perform this evening. One from each team will go home, but one lucky sod will be saved at the end of the show.

There are some other rules that we’re hazy about, but that’s the general gist.

We do like the idea of Celebrity Death Match though. Can we get that going for next week? Jamelia v Kian maybe?

Meanwhile Tammie was the first up to perform. She took on Katy Perry and we’re pretty sure some dogs over in Salthill have just pricked up their ears with those high notes.

Limerick’s own Aoife up next with Alicia Keyes’ Girl is on Fire.

She gets a 7 from Bressie, and a 22 overall. More positive feedback overall.

Psst is that a knuckle duster around Aoife’s neck? Is that what they’re selling in Topshop these days?

Phew, break time. And time for a little appeal.

Tanya got in touch with us, Mailbag-style during the week, wondering if we could help her out…

Good old Arthur Murphy (RTÉ)

Tanya writes:

I know that this is a long shot but I have been trying to find out where Sharon Corr got that amazing sparkly dress she wore on last week’s show….I have a special birthday coming up and would love it ! I defer to your knowledge of all Voice-related info.

This is the dress:

TheJournal.ie‘s Sinéad is still a little confused. A bit like this dog on an escalator:

Andrew and Katy Anna are up next for Team Bressie.

Earlier Andrew called himself a “ caged tiger”:

He’s performing INXS’ Never Tear Us Apart this week, wearing another fetching hat and man alive doesn’t he have a powerful set of lungs on him.

Hang on here now one second. WHAT is that hanging out of Andew’s pocket? Is that a scarf?

NOTIONS of the highest order. Scarves are for necks Andrew.

It is. It’s a scarf. Notions.

As for Andew’s singing… there was a split down the middle. Jamelia and Kian weren’t sure, but Sharon and Bressie were on Andrew’s side.

Bressie’s also just had a dig at Westlife AND reminded us that Kian didn’t know who Depeche Mode were. Handbags… nay MANBAGS.

Katy Anna took on Muse. Wowsers! Brave choice.

Eights from Kian and Jamelia for Katy Anna, but Sharon says she needs to stop singing these “big lad songs”.

Titter, Sharon said “big lad”.

Meanwhile Bressie is unhappy with Sharon’s score of 6. Oh God, they’re shouting at each other, Katy Anna is crying.

Remember at the start of the show, when they were friends?

Time for a few of your thoughts.

Anna in the comments says:

McFly would get all the sex.


Aoife thinks Andrew “should have left that song be”. She means the INXS song.

Over on The Twitter (as Vinny B would call it) Brian is not holding back:

Brian you mean old thing. The Voice has feelings you know. So many feelings.

Kian’s acts up next. He says “they’re all my friends now” and he hangs around with them outside of the show. This has particularly tickled Sinéad who has done an actual LOL.

Shane performed Valerie (not an Amy Winehouse song, it’s a Zutons song) and Jamelia says his “posing” is “annoying” and Bressie says he’s improving but won’t win the competition.


We may have a breakthrough in the dress mystery. Tanya was wondering if she could get some info about Sharon’s dress from last week, and Louise has some info:

Kelly, who is just weeks away from giving birth has just belted out Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word and has gotten some pretty sterling marks from Sharon and Jamelia.

Jamelia wants to see her dancing around a bit next week.

Jamelia pet, do you also want to slip on her broken waters on the stage?

Another commercial break means we can bring you up to speed on a little bit of Bressie controversy from earlier this week.

He spoke to Hot Press about his support for the legislation of cannabis, his words were “twisted” by the tabloids, and he responded with a blog post.

Sunday World columnist Amanda Brunker didn’t read the blog post though. He wasn’t happy. Not a bit.

That pup (and Voice Engine Room presenter) Eoghan McDermot had this to say meanwhile:

Dylan’s up next for Team Jamelia. Has he been supping at the Bucky this evening we wonder?

Dylan performed Bastille’s Pompeii.

Here’s the original, in case you want to compare:


Can’t see the video, click here>

He’s not getting great marks for his vocals, and Jamelia is hitting notes that only very very small dogs can hear. You know the dogs we mean.

Where does a boy with an accent like that learn moves like that? Seriously, go back to the RTÉ Player and watch Keith’s moves.

Remember the knuckle duster we thought we spotted around Aoife’s neck earlier? Here’s a closer look. And what’s that on her finger? Another weapon…

McFly are back for another song, beseeching the crowd to singalong.

McFly, you’re as cute as anything, but we don’t think anyone knows this song. Now, which one of you dropped the lámh on Lindsay Lohan?

And looking, they’ve upset Anna:

Pink ukulele? I take back my my earlier ‘McFly would get all the sex’ comment.


Okay, we’re seeing some behind the scenes footage now and it seems that Bressie is as confused about the scoring system as we are. Vindication!

He’s morto:

OH GOD! Kian Egan from Westlife has formed a rock band with his team. This is not a drill.

The results are in.

Aoife, Katy Anna, Kelly and Keith are all automatically through. Kelly may or may not be someone’s ma by this time next week.

And the fifth person saved and going through to next week is…. Shane from Team Kian.

We’re not able for the little face on Dylan though. Look the little size of him beside Bressie.

If you want some tips about the hi-tech screengrab technology used in this liveblog, you email me at emer@dailyedge.ie.

I don’t mind sharing my expertise with you.

So that’s it. Over for another week. Time for Glenroe.


About the author:

Emer McLysaght