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Tweet Sweeper: Amy Huberman’s troubling impulse buy

Our pick of the week’s tweets from famous people.

AMY HUBERMAN BECAME a mother recently, and one can only assume it’s the resulting sleep deprivation which led to her impulsive purchase this week.

Surely there can be no other explanation for buying a baby blue velour scrunchie?

Tweet Sweeper: Amy Huberman’s troubling impulse buy
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  • The stress of being a new mother is clearly messing with Amy Huberman's head

  • The mystery is gone in Sarah Silverman's relationship

  • Peaches Geldof closed the gap between Snoop Dogg and Adrien Brody

  • Paul Galvin was making style proclamations again

  • Malcolm in the Middle had flu, and the kid from Jerry Maguire was sympathetic

  • Kim Kardashian took a life changing risk

  • Riiiiiight...ok....

  • Kerry footballer Darran O'Sullivan has fallen for 1D just like everyone else

  • Kelly Osbourne...well...there's not much to say here, is there?

  • Keith Barry kept us all updated on all his goings on

  • Josh Groban tweeted the thing we've all been thinking for years

  • Jackie Collins asked the eternal question

  • Chris O'Dowd had a goo on him


  • Bruno Mars is tough

  • ...but cuddly

  • Bressie enjoyed the Irish Spring

  • Barack Obama spoke out

  • Alec Baldwin shared some of his acting wisdom

Bressie’s phone disaster!  Vogue McFadden’s gym rage!  And the best of all the other Tweet Sweepers>
