1. The significance of ‘frontage’
Girl #1: I met a lad.
Girl from Dublin: What’s his name?
Girl from the country: Never mind his name – does he have frontage?
If you’re from Dublin, you’ll never truly appreciate the significance of road frontage. And you’ll never understand why it’s brought up in chat-up lines or on Tinder.
2. Amhrán na bhFiann signifying the end of a night out
The first time you heard a national anthem in the club was a shock to the system.
3. People having their Debs way, way too early
Debs in May? Nope. Not having it.
4. The fact that things like this exist
What is this “egg vending machine,” you speak of?
5. Having to drive to your nearest shop
But what about when you run out of milk?! Isn’t there a Spar or Centra you can run into?
6. What the hell tweets like this mean
7. The sporadic public transport
But how did you go anywhere?
8. How you can have a house with no number
“My address is Gortnahoe, Terminogue, Co. Mayo”
“Yeah, but what’s your full address?”
“That’s it.”
9. And how the poor people at An Post manage to get their work done at all
10. Being surrounded by cows/sheep not being that much of a novelty
Person from Dublin: “Oh my God, a lamb!”
Person from country: “Em yeah? So what?”
11. People having their dinner in the middle of the day
Dinner at 1.30pm? But what do you do in the evening?
12. When the hell “tea time” is
That’s not in our timezone.