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13 Transition Year experiences you'll know all too well

That mini company hustle.

A tiny bit blurry but what ya gonna do! Source: Instagram/kyrarochford

TRANSITION YEAR. As much your school liked to spin it as a year of personal, social, and educational development, everybody knew the truth – TY was an irresistible opportunity to do very little for a whole year. Ah. The memories.

1. Your teachers giving you the ‘why Transition Year is important’ speech

britneybomt_1 Source: Hellogiggles

As the whole class silently wills them to skip to the part where they can start doing whatever they want.

2. Spending ages dreaming up a cool mini company product, but ending up with something like this

cd_clock Source: Clockparts

Nevertheless, you bullied your family into buying six.

3. Certain members of the class taking the mini company hierarchy completely to heart

“Excuse me I am in charge of marketing so MY decision for the poster in the hall is FINAL!!”

4cflNhG Source: Imgur

4. The regional trade fairs being the equivalent of the Olympics

Getting ready for the competition tomorrow Source: Instagram/foxey_boxes

(Even if the main draw of being there was to mingle with the opposite sex.)

5. Spending most of your work experience weeks in front of one of these

IMG_2071_kopi Source: EHP

6. And being dead jealous of anyone with connections in high places

All set to go on @rteradio1 for a couple of songs Source: Instagram/paulbyrom

Jammy old Sandra swanning off to RTÉ for one of her weeks. Just who does she think she is?

7. Coveting this bit of swag

gaisceaward Source: Adverts.ie

Aww yiss.

8. Treating your regular classes with respect and absolutely NOT spending them walking around on mysterious ‘errands’

1434627033-channing Source: Teen.com

9. The general feeling of disgust when a teacher dared give the class something to do

No way am I doing Chemistry next year #tyhomework Source: Instagram/declancahill

10. Having to dress like this for the school musical

CE_kxBCWgAA2c1Q Source: Twitter/@News_St_Marys_B

The luck of being a tall-ish gal in an all-girls school, eh? (Boys’ schools were inexplicably spared this fate.)

11. Being marched over to the local nursing home once a week to get you ‘involved in the community’

tumblr_melaadpQrR1razmc0o1_500 Source: Magoosh

12. Having a ‘TY Graduation’ for reasons you weren’t quite aware of

TY-Grad-Exhibition Source: Elphincollege.ie

But… we’re coming back to school next year?

13. And needing to completely reset your brain upon entering Fifth Year

what-is-happening-gif Source: Mamamia

Does anybody have a pen? Anyone? Also, what is Maths?

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