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10 things everyone does, it's not just you

We know you do this in the shower.

1. Tests the tongs

You just can’t help yourself.

we've all done it. - Imgur Source: Imgur

2. Opens and closing the back of the remote

There’s a reason why those little plastic prongs break so easily, leaving the batteries permanently exposed.

It’s the constant fiddling.


3. Paces around the house while on the phone

How did you end up in the attic?


4. Opens their mouth when putting on mascara

Ladies (and gentleman fans of MANscara), just try it.

If you can do it with your mouth closed you are a witch.

article_5131127_121844 Source: Thatscoop

5. Causes a splash in the shower

When you’re bored in the shower you make a little well with you arm and let the water gather for as second before making a big splash.

Don’t you?

Yesido Source: Nocookie

6. Thinks of the nineties as being ten years ago

1990 was 24 years ago. Twenty. Four.


7. Walks like this when trying on new shoes

Don’t worry, everyone else in the shop is doing it too.


8. Sees these things

But if you try to look directly at them, they scoot away.

Do we all see these thingies? - Imgur Source: Imgur

9. Keeps the knife

Just in case.

i guess we all do this - Imgur Source: Imgur

10. And we’ll just leave this one here

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We've all done it... - Imgur Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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