ADULTHOOD IS PRETTY great. You get to choose what you eat, when you go to bed, and who you hang out with. You’re in control.
You would think, given the fact that we’re in charge of our lives, we’d hang on to the best bits of childhood, wouldn’t you?
The things is, we really don’t.
Here are eight things adults just don’t do enough of.
Rolling down hills
Unless you’re this woman, and to be honest, it’s not even a good roll.
Getting your face painted
Outside of Halloween, adults don’t really get down with face painting.
We totally should. Look how cool this guy looks!
Facebook/Face Painting by Cynnamon
Asking people to be your friend
Life would be so much easier if we were all just a little more direct.
Having fun in ball pits
We all want to, so why don’t we just make it happen?
Dancing without any self conciousness
Unless you’ve had a few shandies, and actually for most people even if you have had a few shandies, it’s hard as adults to entirely let go of our inhibitions while dancing.
You know how it is, you’re really going for it, and then suddenly you think ‘I wonder if I look really stupid…I wonder if my arm fat is jiggling…I better put my arms down.’ etc.
Kids however, don’t worry about a thing when they’re getting down.
Whether they’re playing a competitive video game…
…attempting a jive…
…or doing some breakdancing at their local shopping centre.
Jumping just for the sake of it
Eating with such abandon that the food ends up all over your face
Swinging (on swings you filthy animals)
This is really society’s fault, as swings are not built for adults.
They should be, then we could enjoy lifke to the fullest and avoid situations like this.
YouTube/Keith Hughes
So, this weekend, we say let go! Recapture the wild abandon you had as a child and really let loose.