1. Begging the lucky sods who went to New York to bring you back an Abercrombie hoodie
2. Buying tracksuit bottoms and tiny shorts with JUICY or HOT written on the bum
3. Straightening the LIFE out of your hair with GHDs
4. Making sure your ponytail had absolutely no bumps in it, while also pulling down two tiny strands to ‘frame your face’ with
5. The ‘cringe’ pages in Mizz, Shout, and Bliss
6. Wearing Penneys Uggs in the rain even though you KNEW they would disintegrate
7. WrItInG LyK dIs xXx
8. ‘Illuminous’ (AKA neon) clothing and accessories, for the teen disco of course
9. Having O’Neill’s but wanting Cantos even though they were basically the same thing
10. Listing out every band you ever listened to in your Bebo ‘Music I Like’ section
11. Setting your Flashbox slideshows to DJ Cammy
12. Backcombing your hair to near-death
13. Watching My Super Sweet 16 and fully believing that you too would have an elaborate Sweet 16 party
14. Your ‘Confirmation outfit’
15. Gel pens. All kinds of gel pens. Scented, pastel, glittery – all of them
16. These bedrooms you saw in the Argos catalogue. MAM I WANT A DESK-BUNK BED
17. The magical wonderland that was Claire’s Accessories
18. Mary Kate and Ashley movies, and Mary Kate and Ashley in general
19. Putting a humongous belt on your tiny miniskirt
20. And plotting how to get your parents to let you pierce your belly button