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16 things only Irish grandmothers love

Irish grans are the greatest.

IRISH GRANDMOTHERS ARE a special thing, and have some very unique habits.

1. Lighting candles

Of course, they fix everything.

candle-lighting Source: publicdomainpictures.net

2. Winning Streak

The only people left in Ireland who watch Winning Streak are actually grannies in the midlands.

hqdefault Source: Youtube

3. Refusing to believe you actually age

You have been an adult for about 20 years now, but nanny still thinks you’re 10.

1410072u Source: Arthur Peter

4. Pleated skirts

Sure what good is a skirt without a pleat in it?

$_35 Source: Ebay

5. A good mass

Lovely mass, great mass, and wasn’t the mass lovely?

2 Source: Paulist

6. When you wear white

There’s just something about white that’s lovely and bright on you, so says nanny as she secretly tries to destroy the dark colours you won’t stop wearing.

white-after-labour-day-6 Source: suttonplacehotelcompany

7. Keeping mints and tissues in her bag

She has an endless supply, whenever needed.

94619_25 Source: Kleenex

8. Super Ser Gas heaters

Sure get lost with your fancy heating and fireplaces.

m0nTZOonAi1P6XZVl8jKH9w Source: eBay

9. Photos of Jesus and Pope John Paul on the wall

Their eyes actually followed you.


10. Calendars and diaries

Obviously so she can keep up with her hectic schedule.

41kBp7+3UOL._AC_UL320_SR198,320_ Source: Amazon

11. Keeping an eye on the neighbours

She knows when they came in and when they last came out.

shutterstock_345945443 Source: Shutterstock/Lopolo

12. Stirring the teapot

Don’t you DARE serve that tea up without giving the pot a good stir first.

670px-Brew-Tea-With-a-Teapot-Step-3 Source: Wikihow

13. Holy Water

Bonus points if they’re from her pilgrimage to Lourdes. Faaancay.

HolyWaterBottles Source: Sacramentals

14. Sweeping up the garden


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Source: Leadupthegardenpath

15. Knowing all the Saints that can help you out

Lost something? St Anthony. Heading off travelling? St Christopher is your man. Situation completely dire? Let’s hope St Jude listens to you.


16. Making you eat things you don’t want to eat

You’re not getting any dessert now until you eat your cabbage.

DSC062281 Source: Bestfoodies

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