1. Just sitting there in your towel after you have a shower
“I’ll get dressed in a minute.”
*sits on laptop for 45 minutes*
2. Getting food delivered from a place that’s within walking distance
“For delivery, please? Yeah, we’re actually just up the road. I’m just… really sick and can’t walk anywhere. That’s it.”
3. Clicking “Remind me later” whenever anything like this pops up on your screen
I’ll deal with you another time.
4. Paying a younger sibling to do something you could easily do yourself
“Will you go to the shop and buy me a chicken popcorn roll?”
“No, do it yourself.”
“Please, I’ll pay you €2.”
5. Skipping a shower in the morning just so you can sleep in for an extra fifteen minutes
Totally worth it even if your hair is stuckto your head for the rest of the day.
6. Leaving stuff in a suitcase months after you’ve returned from holidays
Oh, there’s my bikini.
7. Keeping something from ASOS that doesn’t fit you because returning it is just too much effort
You’ll say that you’ll bring it to the charity shop but you never will because, you guessed it, you’re too lazy.
8. Not being arsed to try on clothes in a shop because, ugh, the actual hassle
Wait in a sweaty changing room and look at yourself in an unflattering mirror or buy the clothes and hope for the best? We think you know the right option.
9. Being too lazy to do the washing up and drinking water from some kind of ridiculous novelty cup
*glances at dirty glasses by the sink and back at the clean Cinderella mug that was left there by the last tenant*
“Cinderella mug, it is.”
10. Sleeping on just your mattress because you’re too lazy to put on a sheet
If you mother knew, she would kill you.
11. Reading a message, thinking of a response and then just not texting back
Ugh, I’ll do it after Gogglebox.
12. Debating whether or not to just sleep with the light on because you don’t want to get out of bed to turn it off
“The lamp is just so far away. I need one of those clappy things.”
13. Starting a bottle collection in the kitchen because you can’t bring yourself to go to the bottle bank
Just think of it as your very own art installation.
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9 things the Irish education system lied to us about >