DO YOU THINK of yourself as a good person?
If so, you’ll be able to make it through this post without sniggering. Ready?
Don’t laugh at…
1. This kid giving baseball his best shot
2. This couple who chose to have their wedding next to a pond
3. The victim of this shocking incident
4. This man who just wanted to demonstrate his new dive
5. This dog who’s really trying, but is a bit too big
6. This tortoise having sex with a shoe and squeaking
7. This boy whose car trip just turned into a nightmare
8. The man hurting himself clapping on Winning Streak
9. This professional bowler
10. The kid just trying to skate around this reporter
YouTube/Rob Meronek
11. This dog that has made mistakes in life
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12. This person trying out their wall
13. This cruel, cruel YouTube comment
14. This child who didn't get end-of-slide training
15. The plight of these new mothers
16. This dog who dreamed too hard
17. And this man who didn't reckon with the seagulls
Well, how far did you get?