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This list of 'Things Women Hear In A Lifetime' is being shared like crazy on Facebook

Bisha K Ali’s rant has gone viral.

Source: Facebook

BISHA K ALI is a writer and stand-up comedian based in London.

This week, she wrote a long Facebook list of things people say to women, from childhood to adulthood to having children themselves.

The list begins in childhood…

You’re so adorable! You’re gonna be a heartbreaker one day. Your daughter’s so well behaved. Aren’t you pretty? If you give me a smile I’ll give you an extra one too.

… takes in the teenage years…

Are you really going to wear that outfit? You’ll give people the wrong idea. Why don’t you show off some skin? Dress a little nicer, that way you’ll be able to find someone.

… to adulthood…

You don’t want kids? But being a mother is part of being a woman. A family isn’t complete without children, I have no idea why you wouldn’t want kids. You’re pregnant! That’s amazing. Did you plan it? Are you going to carry on working?

… and beyond.

Oh wow, she’s so adorable! She’s gonna be a heartbreaker some day.

The list has been shared 1,300 times so far. Here it is in full. You can follow Ali on Facebook here.

Bisha wrote in a comment under the post: “Apparently I can only write things when I’m in full on hulk rages.”

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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