THE OLD IRISH SAYING “Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin” – there’s no fireside like your own fireside – is especially true at this time of year.
If you’re not going back to the old sod for Christmas, it can be tough. That Michael Bublé classic becomes a bit too REAL for you. Let me go home, dammit!
There are a lot of things to miss about Christmas when you’re away from home, be it in a different part of the country or the other side of the world.
The dinner
Obviously. How are you supposed to even come close to the majesty of Christmas dinner at home? Even if you’re a great cook, it will never be the same.
The Christmassy weather
So Ireland doesn’t have the weather you normally associate with Christmas, but if you’re in an area that’s currently experiencing summer weather it’ll be quite strange.
The family squabbles
Not amazingly good craic when you’re there, but when you’re away you’d love to have the chance to argue with your sister over who gets the last roast spud.
The decorations
They haven’t been changed since you were 9. They don’t match. The only distinct theme is “gaudy”. But you love them.
Christmas Mass
You never thought you’d say this, but Fr Brendan’s famous 30 minute long sermon doesn’t seem all that bad now.
“The walk” on St Stephen’s Day
When your mother starts to feel guilty about all the mince pies consumed the day before and ushers you all out for a walk. No one will force you this year, but you might do it anyway.
Seeing everyone you know out on St Stephen’s night
Though you could hardly speak to any of them cos it’s so packed, it would be nice to be in a pub where everybody knows your name.
What do you miss when you’re away from home for Christmas? Let us know in the comments.