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8 little things you missed at Dublin Comic Con this weekend

Eh the ACTUAL Michael Rooker was there lads.

DUBLIN COMIC CON took place over the weekend, and didn’t it look like great craic altogether.

If the city looked a little more colourful than usual, you know why.

Here’s just a taste of some of the delights the convention had to offer.

1. These excellent cosplays

Harley Quinn.

Harley & her other man Source: elliejayden

The Honey Monster

This kid! This was my favourite cosplay @dublin_comic_con yesterday. Whoever you are kid, you're my hero! Source: needsmorezombies

The Little Mermaid’s Ursula.

Wow, I'm loving @geekasuras as Ursula from The Little Mermaid! She'll be there on the Sunday, so make sure to keep your eyes out for her! Source: dublin_comic_con

Zer0 the Assasin.

The cutest baby Doctor Who.

James 1st cosplay today at Dublin Comic Con 2015 #doctorwho #whovian #cosplay #comiccon #Dublin #dublincomiccon2015 #lookdcc #conventioncentredublin #babydrwho #fez #bowtie #sonicscrewdriver #bowtiesarecool #fezzesarecool #tardis #policebox #babycosplay #timelord #babytimelord #whoviansofinstagram #supersaturday #5monthsold #babyboy #dontforgetdads Source: __inshane__

A terrifying Joker.

Another one of some awesome cosplayers from yesterday's @dublin_comic_con, this time #TheJoker & #HarleyQuinn #lookdcc Source: needsmorezombies

This family of Ghost Busters.

90389255 Source: Sam Boal Rolling News.ie


2. Little Iron Man met Big Iron Man and it was adorable

3. Michael Rooker took ALL the selfies and tried a Cadbury Flake

The actor played Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy and Merle in The Walking Dead. He was even asked for pints, but he’s not fond.

It’s a FLAKE man, a FLAKE. What’s so hard about that?

I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life, what the hell.

Source: Nerdgeist/YouTube

4. Chewbacca was there…

Or at least a very convincing version of Chewbacca.

5. Nicholas Brendon aka Xander from Buffy appeared and all your teenage dreams came true

6. Gates McFadden (no known relation to Brian) rubbed some heads

Dr. Beverly Crusher from Star Trek showed up to much delight.

CL6e2GLWgAEcrgC Source: TheIrishPubCast

She also met Santa, as you do.

CL-EUnDWwAAIQVJ Source: gates mcfadden

As well as her mini-me.


7. Billy West aka the voice of Fry and Zoidberg in Futurama signed a woman’s thesis

He also voiced Ren and Stimpy and a bunch more of your favourite cartoons.

8. Batman got a taxi

He looks like he’s about to indulge in some SERIOUS banter.

90389242 Source: Sam Boal Rolling News.ie

Here’s one toy dog you definitely won’t be seeing on the Toy Show this year>

Xander from Buffy was a bit confused about Ireland and the UK>

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