1. First of all, your mates who didn’t go to a Gaelscoil always regarded you with pity
Them: “Oh my God, your poor thing going to a Gaelscoil. I couldn’t do that at all.”
You: “It’s actually grand?”
2. And when people asked what school you went to, you just said “The Gaelscoil”
No further explanation/longer title needed.
3. There were hilarious nicknames
Ha, ha, ha.
4. You were constantly tormented with questions like, “So let me get this straight, you have to study Geography THROUGH Irish?”
“And history? And science?”
5. To which you replied…
6. In hindsight, you can’t believe that you learned reams and reams of geography notes as Gaeilge
Bless us and save us.
7. Because you were known by your Irish name in Gaelscoil for so long, you found it hard to adjust in the ‘real world’
“My name is Sinead Ní Dhomhnaill. Er Sinéad O’Donnell, I mean.”
8. You still sometimes catch yourself thinking in Irish and asking, “What’s that word in English?”
9. When you came to the Irish Leaving Cert exam, you were like, “THANKS MAM”
10. But you did struggle with some of the other subjects
11. Although those extra few points did come in handy in the end…
12. And hey, at least you still have the cúpla focal, right?
Perfect for when you’re on holidays and need to impress people.