1. The BEd students and the BA students were two warring factions
BEd students think BA students are no better than Arts students. BA students think BEds need to stop complaining about the course they CHOSE to do. It’s thorny.
2. But they come together to hate on Marino
3. The male/female ratio was…poor, to say the least
Great if you’re looking for gal pals! Bad if you’re looking for a boyfriend.
4. O’Neills were always en vogue
Sure where would you be going wearing anything else?
5. And GAA was life
A striking number of students have a hurl or a football on them at all times.
6. The 16 bus was and is the preserve of Pats students
7. But the Friday evening exodus tested even the most patient of people
Gigantic kit bags everywhere.
8. The stress in the college around teaching practice time was palpable
The normally light-hearted atmosphere was shattered as everyone scrabbled to get their sh*t together.
9. DCU students always thought they were so much better
Well the joke’s on you, because now Pat’s IS DCU.
10. The Tesco across the road is the grimmest one in Ireland
Poorly laid out, badly stocked, and always cleared out of drink on match days. Not to mention the very real chance of death while crossing the road to get to it.
10. But you could always count on the Roma (AKA Peters) for grub
If they liked you, they’d sneak you a free dip. Bliss.
11. Quinns was the only place to be on a Thursday night
Niall Horan probably agrees.
12. Messy Mondays in the Big Tree were precisely that
13. And yes, everyone does enjoy a county colours night or three
And proud of it.
14. But despite all the ribbing you got, you’re proud to be a Pat’s student