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Dublin: 11 °C Saturday 22 March, 2025

17 things you've definitely done if you're a lazy bitch at heart

From the outside, you look put together, but on the inside…

grown up

1. Ironed your clothes with a hair straightener/dryer

2. Shaved just the areas of your legs that will be on show

3. Literally only washed your makeup brushes when someone made you feel bad about it

4. Bought and used makeup wipes despite them being demonised by every skincare expert in the world. Because convenience!

5. Sprayed clothes with deodorant or perfume to ‘freshen them up’

6. Applied makeup over older makeup because who has time to be removing it all

7. Abused dry shampoo

8. Picked off nail polish instead of getting out the remover

9. Picked off Shellac instead of going back to the salon to get it removed

10. Given out about having nothing to wear, then realised all your clothes are on the floor/in the washbasket/been hanging on the airer for the past two weeks

11. Taken something out of the washbasket to wear

12. Really really questioned whether you needed a wee, because you were so loathe to get up/out of bed

13. Been seriously put out about having to shower

14. Planned going to the gym in such a way that you wouldn’t have to shower more than you usually do

15. Decided not to go to the gym because the effort of packing up all your stuff to shower there

16. Gone to sleep with wet hair, hearing your mother’s protestations in your dreams

17. And committed the cardinal sin of not taking off your makeup before you go to bed. Not that you’d ever admit that to anyone, of course

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