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16 photos that perfectly sum up life as a third wheel

When your best friends are going out, it looks something like this.

BEING A THIRD wheel can happen to the best of us. Everyone has been in that position where you’re best friends with a couple and every night out seems to end up with just the three of you.

You’re not the first – and you won’t be the last:

1. Throughout history, the third wheel has always been there

VvuOQ8P Source: Imgur

Hanging on and being awkward.

2. Ruining romantic photo opportunities on nights out

instainsert Source: Instagram

3. Trying to fit in while the couple larks around

3rdwheel Source: Imgur

4. Not knowing what to do when they’re shifting

wheel1 Source: Imgur

5. And your only other option being the awkward look away

wheel3 Source: Youtube

6. The helpful third wheeler

wheelinsert Source: Instagram

7. If restaurants catered to third wheels

mf3RIre Source: Imgur

8. Which every single restaurant should do

tbShm1R Source: Imgur

That extra space is just too painful to glance over at all night.

9. Trying to get some of the attention

3wsF9qJ Source: Imgur

10. When food just matters more

insert3 Source: Instagram

It’s always been there for you.

11. When the only thing you can do is stare the camera out of it

wheel2 Source: Imgur

^representing third wheels everywhere

12. And you’re in the cinema like

AavzK Source: Imgur

13. When the couple is so relaxed together they go for a nap

dZPfC3W Source: Imgur

And you just check your phone. Again.

14. At a party you’re left holding the balloons

wheel4 Source: Tumblr

15. Every photo is an awkward opportunity to prove your third wheel status

YQmflHu Source: Imgur

Not sorry.

16. Even multiple couples don’t stop third wheelers from wheelin’

wheel5 Source: Tumblr

Absolute troopers.

More This guy documented his life as a third wheel and the results were brilliant>

More 9 strange and annoying things all your couple friends do> 

About the author:

David Elkin

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