PETRA COLLINS IS a US photographer and artist who combines high profile magazine shoots with her own personal work.
And she’s amassed over 270,000 followers on Instagram.
A lot of her work unashamedly shows off the human body
She features armpit hair, stretch marks and everything else – with plenty of support for it
But it got to the point though that each post that featured anything out of the ordinary got some seriously negative comments
So Petra took matters into her own hands on Instagram
She said:
unfollow me now if you can’t deal with pimples, hair, stretchmarksetc literally anything that isn’t airbrushed cuz your negativity and ignorance isn’t welcome on this insta and there’s no room for more hate and shaming here – this is not just about me but about all the amazing girls/women/whatever I photograph that deserve to be celebrated and represented
So that’s them told
hat tip Metro