IT’S BEEN A shite* year, let’s be honest.
*Please note, 2016 can be a shite year and not have it take from the fact that past years have also been shite.
1. Brexit actually happened
2. Trump was elected as President of the free world
3. James Corden was chosen as the Grammys host
4. Bowie died
5. Alan Rickman died
6. Justin Bieber did this dance in a Dublin club
7. Prince died
8. Gene Wilder died so Willy Wonka will never be the same
9. Irish Tinder also died
10. The arse peach emoji disappeared
11. The wonderful Caroline Aherne passed
12. Pokémon became a thing, a dangerous thing
13. Toblerones did THIS
14. The whole clown thing
15. Mayo failed to break the curse, again
16. Angelina and Brad Pitt broke up, so Brangelina is no more
17. One Direction didn’t release one damn song, my GOD
18. Terry Wogan left us
19. Harper Lee died causing everyone who studied To Kill A Mockingbird for the Junior Cert to mourn
20. A politician dabbed in the Dail
21. Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake was released
22. We lost Ronnie Corbett
23. And Victoria Wood
24. Muhammad Ali also died, so many deaths
25. The Rose of Tralee was crashed, is nothing sacred?
26. We were blamed for the pool turning green at the Olympics
27. Emojis appeared on the Junior Cert English exam
28. The word of the year was declared as Post-truth
29. Conor McGregor lost one of his fights
30. We lost Pete Burns and Andrew Sachs
31. Leonard Cohen died
32. Dunnes Stores began selling a wooden plank for sixty quid
33. Luas drivers went on strike and ruined our lives
34. Bus drivers went on strike and ruined our lives
35. Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger split up
36. The whole Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston thing happened
37. Saorise Ronan didn’t win her Oscar
38. There hasn’t been a peep out of Ed Sheeran and he had his face sliced with a knife
39. The Irish summer in general
40. The whole rental situation in Dublin reached peak grim
41. The John Lewis ad just WASN’T THAT GOOD
42. Ireland was mistaken for being in the UK a disproportionately large amount compare to past years
43. We lost the Front Lounge
44. And Gino’s in Cork
45. RTÉ announced it wouldn’t be making children’s TV shows in-house #BringBackBosco
46. There was no Slane gig, wtf
47. That death on Orange is the New Black
48. Carrie Fisher died
49. Debbie Reynolds died
50. We lost George Michael, on Christmas day of all days
51. Elf wasn’t on telly at all
52. Finally, this happened