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Here's the voicemail an Irish DJ left for TMZ after the Beyoncé video

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UNLESS YOU WERE still in winter hibernation in an isolated cave yesterday, you’ll be aware that a TMZ video about Dublin is enraging people around the world.

Long story short: the TMZ staff suggested that the reason Beyoncé and Jay-Z were able to stroll around the Phoenix Park unmolested is that we foolish Irish people don’t know who they are.

But we will in “about 15 years”.

Well, iradio DJ and comedian Cormac Moore decided to take matters into his own hands. He left this message for TMZ:

Source: iRadio Podcast/SoundCloud

Can’t hear the audio? Click here.

Ouch. What do you think?

Thanks Cormac Moore

More: 5 most insulting things from TMZ’s ‘Beyonce in Dublin’ video>

More: The Irish guy in THAT TMZ video is getting dogs’ abuse on Twitter>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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