Dublin: 9 °C Friday 28 March, 2025

Kildare man plans beautiful proposal, 6 months after 'nearly losing the love of my life'

The proposal was filmed for RTÉ’s Today Show.

SIX MONTHS AGO Derek feared that he might lose his girlfriend Sarah.

She was pregnant with their son, and suffering from a condition known as HELLP Sydrome, which affects the blood and the liver.

When their son Oscar was born, she spent several days in a high dependency unit and since then has “achieved a huge amount while recovering and being the best mother Oscar could ever ask for”.

oscar Baby Oscar

Derek wanted to show his love for Sarah in the most special way possible, and so he contacted RTÉ’s Today Show for help.

Let me start by telling you about my girlfriend Sarah. She is 29, a teacher and the mother to my 6 month old son Oscar.  Sarah had a condition known as HELLP syndrome during child birth, which almost resulted in me losing the love of my life. She spent the first few days of Oscars life in HDU, upon waking her first concern was my well-being.  In the six months since she has achieved a huge amount while recovering and being the best mother Oscar could ever ask for, including dancing in a professional show. Sarah is the strongest, most loving, amazing person I have ever met and I would love nothing more than to have her as my wife. I understand the volume of emails you must get on this but please take me into considerationThank you for your time,



Tricking Sarah into thinking they were visiting the Dublin Writer’s Museum to visit the Oscar Wilde exhibit (Sarah is a huge fan, hence their baby’s name) Derek worked with the museum and Today Show staff to plan the perfect surprise.


Source: rtecork/YouTube

Sarah and Derek will appear on The Today Show tomorrow afternoon from 4.30pm on RTÉ One to tell Daithí and Maura about their special day.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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