EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, the Daily Edge rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.
#COCKTAIL: Tom Cruise went on Jimmy Fallon this week to talk about his new movie Jack Reacher. Instead, he got a load of drinks (OK, water) thrown in his face on live telly. Hurray!
Incidentally, action hero Jack Reacher is 6ft 5in tall. Tom is such a little guy that Playboy models have to “bend over to talk to him”. Is he standing on a pile of books in this video? You decide.
#NIPPLEGATE: Hangover star Bradley Cooper has five nipples. Five! Including an arm-nipple and a leg-nipple.
At least, that’s what he claimed when he went on Ellen. It turns out the fourth and fifth nipples were fake. Which puts a merciful end to our mental image of Bradley Cooper suckling a litter of puppies.
#KYLE STYLE: Not content with demolishing Alex Reid’s dreams of a sex dungeon, Jeremy Kyle is continuing to plough a bloody swathe through the UK’s celebrity population.
In the last couple of days his “Christmas Specials” have involved Kerry Katona revealing that she took drugs with her mum, and Daniella Westbrook (her of the disintegrating nose) saying she did lines of coke while giving birth. Somebody has to stop Jeremy, or we’ll have no celebrities left. (The Sun, HuffPo)
Also, his audience are all wearing Santa hats:
And the rest of the day’s dirt…
- Rihanna’s been tweeting photos of her empty, empty bed. (Mail Online)
- Michael Jackson’s chimp Bubbles is alone and abandoned. (Radar)
- Helen Flanagan doesn’t understand why everybody’s so annoyed about that gun picture. (Mirror)
- Simon Cowell is dating Carmen Electra. Or did we just blow your mind? (Radar)
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