EVERY ONCE IN a while, a TV couples knocks you for six. There’s Jack and Rebecca on This Is Us; Ross and Rachel (for obvious reasons); Carrie and Big … The list goes on.
You know who are often overlooked though? Tom and Lynette Scavo.
I mean, they went through everything together – cancer, a hurricane, a hostage situation and separation for crying out loud. (Wisteria Lane was not the calm, quiet suburb the housewives hoped it would be).
Yeah, despite going through the ringer and enduring things that most normal couples would never have to face, they were the most normal – and best! couple on the lane.
1. They were unbelievably supportive of each other.
From Tom helping Lynette get over her addiction to the twins’ ADD medication, to her getting behind his Italtian restaurant dream. Sure, it was through gritted teeth on occasion, but you cannot deny the pair had great patience for each other.
2. They were perfect parents because they weren’t perfect.
Growing up, they let their kids be kids, running around and making a mess. They never stopped worrying, even as they got older. And although they partook in some dodgy practices (Lynette catfishing Porter, for example) it always came from a place of love.
3. Because they said stuff like this.
Brb, bawling.
4. They stayed faithful to each other despite temptation.
There were some close calls, mind. God damn you, sexy Rick!
5. Tom always reassured Lynette when she felt threatened.
Even when she fell asleep in her French maid outfit, or when they almost split up Bob and Lee at their wedding which they were catering. Awkward,
6. Imagine your man hitting you with this speech?
7. They really committed to the whole “in sickness and in health” part of their vows.
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8. They came back from divorce to get their happy ending.