WE’RE SURROUNDED BY chancers and rascals in all walks of life – people who just don’t give a flying one and prove it on a daily basis.
So here, marvel at the ultimate chancers in history:
1. This unique way of handing in your notice at work
2. The absolute brass neck on this guy
3. When you take the absolute piss with the free WIFI on offer
“I’ll have one tap water please, and I’ll be here all day.”
4. Guerilla marketing on the TV3 news
Absolutely no qualms.
5. Selling dirt to Americans on the internet
6. When your cheekiness gets you a new official name
The delicious irony of the school motto is lost on nobody as well.
7. All the staff that work in this restaurant
Not a single f*** given, all in the name of ice cream.
8. The marketing team behind this ad
9. Anyone who wears a ‘beer tie’ to any social function
Chancer level: expert.
10. This delivery driver
11. When email spammers don’t even try any more
When spamming has jumped the shark.
12. The cheek of offering this stump for 100 quid of your hard-earned cash
13. And finally, the ultimate chancer who felt the burning need to lock up their hula hoop
Sometimes you just have to admire them, such is their dedication to being chancers.