THE TOOTH FAIRY was a constant source of worry as a young child.
You’d leave your tooth out in a glass of water or under your pillow, and wait for that sweet cash to appear in the morning.
But what if the fairy was mean? What if they didn’t leave you anything? What if they left you a list of chores?
One couple decided to have a bit of fun with their son by leaving him a formal letter from the tooth fairy when he lost a tooth.
They came up with the ingenious plan via text message, and Imgur user Phillybits posted it all for the world to see their plan unfold
When he suggested a chore list along with the tooth cash, his wife didn’t disagree
Yep, it’s happening
The final letter was pretty convincing
Click here to see a bigger version.
It begins by thanking young Elliott for his tooth, but breaks the news to him that he’s now in a contract to perform a series of chores.
If these obligations are not fully completely, without demand, we will have no recourse but to repossess all of your remaining teeth, by force if necessary, with no repayment to you.
Elliott looks only delighted to have it
Don’t worry mate, you’ll have your revenge.